
What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly (WASM for short) provides a sandboxed environment in which programs written in a variety of languages can interface with a host application. WASM is intended to provide a platform-agnostic and performant alternative to native code.

Limitations and features

Here we will go over some important aspects of working with WebAssembly in Rust. Firstly, that the standard library is available. Kind of. In general, functions of the stdlib that communicate with the outside world will not work; this includes but is not limited to: system time, files, sockets. Instead, one must rely on the interfaces provided by ChatImproVR. One exception to this rule is that allocation does work; one can allocate memory with reckless abandon, at least up to 4 GB.

Tips and tricks

Including content

If you need to include content with your plugin (e.g. models and textures), you may use the include_bytes!() macro provided in the standard library to embed these files in your WASM binary. For more advanced use-cases, consider the include dir crate.


We use the wasm32-unknown-unknown target.