How does ChatImproVR work?

ChatImproVR is based on plugins. Plugins run on both the Client and the Server. Each plugin adds functionality to the virtual world by providing a number of Systems.

We refer to the Client or the Server a Plugin is running on as the "Host". Systems communicate with the Host via Channels and via the Entity Component System (ECS).

The Host can communicate with external APIs, and with the Remote. From the Client's perspective, the Remote is the Server. From the Server's perspective, the Remotes are the connected Clients.


Channels are modeled after the familiar Pub/Sub pattern. Systems subscribe to Channels, and receive Messages via their Inbox. Each Channel is referred to by it's Unique ID. This ID corresponds to exactly one responsibility and associated datatype. If the underlying datatype changes, the ID must also change. This is to ensure compatability between plugins. Otherwise, plugins may consume corrupted data.

Each channel is either Local or Remote. The Local Channels can only send Messages within their Host. Conversely, Remote Channels can only send messages to the Remote. This is to help avoid confusion as to where a message might have originated, and to make optimizing communication easier.

Entity Component System

ChatImproVR's ECS is very similar to other game engines' architectures (Bevy being a notable example). Essentially, the ECS acts as a global database, where Entities are simply keys and Components are sparsely populated columns in the metaphorical database. Systems make Queries to the ECS, which are usually joining one more more Components.

Each Host has it's own ECS. The Server's ECS is intended to contain the state of the world, while the Client's ECS' are intended to contain snapshots of the world and locally visible objects such as graphical user interfaces and markers, as well as predictions of motion or action.

One important difference from other engines is that ChatImproVR handles Components via their Unique ID, instead of by their datatype. Just like Channels, If the underlying datatype changes, the ID must also change. Another important difference is that Entities are intended to be universally unique. This means that Entities could be transferred between Servers, so items in the virtual world can be transferred throughout the metaverse.


Execution of Systems on each Host is broken up into a number of Stages. Currently, the following stages are available (listed in order of execution):

  • Init: Executed once, right after the plugin is initialized.
  • Pre-Update: Executed before each update, once per Frame.
  • Update: Executed once per Frame.
  • Post-Update: Executed after each update, once per Frame.


There is a special Sychronized component which, if attached to an Entity on the Server, will cause the entire Entity and all of it's Components to be copied to the Clients's ECS. This mechanism is intended to make it very easy to create content which is visible to all Clients immediately.

Expect this synchronization to be optimized, so that updates may not be immediate.

In the future, we may offer lazy/immediate/streamed variants of this component.